Let me justify this by saying that when I personally do the works that end I being the most unhappy with, I'm usually trying to imitate something I really enjoy, be it gritty realism or the style of some of my favorite artists. I still don't feel like I have a full grounding or comprehension of style and what I can really do with it, only very basic information.
What I do know is that this style
Art hasn't felt easy since I was little. It hasn't not felt like a struggle to get everything perfect in a long time. And since doing things in this style feels easier, in my head I feel like it has to be 'the easy way out', and I hate that. Not to mention that I don't like it nearly as much for conveying certain emotions as other styles do.
I think I'm torn here.
Someone say something.
(also Alexis you're stupid, this is my blog, as in my journal, why wouldn't it come across as 'egotistical'. Christ, I'm not a fucking philanthropist.)
The deceptive thing about style is it doesn't come from focus but rather from diversity, thus the more types of things you are drawing from the more the styles develop or show themselves.
Funny. Cause I wasn't talking about your 'blog'. I was talking about a green notebook with 'x' like tears through the last written pages.
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